I bet you wonder where I

I took last week off and had a stay cation at home. There were a lot of things to do, including cleaning up the house, taxes, gardening, getting knitting projects done and getting the house organized because my son, Alex, will canada goose outlet online uk be moving back in in two months. But after the first day, it became apparent that I was never going to get it all done, so I took it a lot slower.

Snapped this photo of my new pullover before I went to bed last night, so the lighting isn ideal, but you get a sense of its shape.

Here what I did do: I finished the pullover sweater that I had started last year as a and easy project. The weather was too warm at the beginning of last week to wear the sweater when I finished it, but it was cold enough yesterday to wear it in the house (it a heavy sweater, but my house is insulated well enough that sometimes it warmer outside than it is in my house with the heat turned down). Overall, I happy with it.

Here we have an Addy look alike doll on the left and a rewigged Josefina on the right, wearing sweaters I knitted last week. Both are quick, canada goose outlet top down raglans following the pattern I published about a week ago.

I also knitted two doll sweaters, which two dolls going to the Butterfly Ministry for Girls will wear today when I send them. The ministry founder, Sandra Hubbard, Canada Goose Jackets had said that they needed brown skinned dolls, so I have a rewigged Josefina and a Just Like You Addy to send. canada goose clearance The Josefina in question had such terrible hair that I had to rewig her. I couldn find a Josefina wig online, so I used the auburn wig that canada goose uk black friday canada goose factory outlet had come with one of the Madame Alexander dolls I bought last year. Now she looks like Marisol. She really pretty.

I also reorganized some things, but not enough. I cleaned out my front closet and stored Christmas ornaments in the bottom of it so that I won have goose outlet canada to climb up into the attic every year to get them. And I assembled a bookcase for all the books canada goose jacket outlet I had laying around for many months. I also started organizing papers that have needed sorting, and I made some decisions about getting rid of things.

One of those decisions was to donate two plastic tote tubs canada goose outlet uk sale of display dolls to the Visiting Nurse Service Rummage Sale this spring. These are dolls someone gave me because a friend mother had died, and she thought I would enjoy the mother dolls. I haven None of them are the standard 18 inch dolls that I collect, and while they are pretty, I have no way to display them. Nor do I want to, really. I thought about selling them on eBay, but frankly, they don seem to sell for enough to canada goose outlet black friday make it worth my while. So I going to donate all of them to the VNS, or as those who volunteer there call it, where I hope they each will find a loving home. And this will free up the plastic totes, which I am NOT donating, for yarn from my stash. https://www.fcvfrankfurt.de Believe me, I don canada goose outlet online have to buy yarn to fill them up. buy canada goose jacket cheap I got plenty already.

This is one of the small ways I am getting ready for canada goose outlet Alex.

Another way is going to be to recycle all the cardboard boxes I got laying around. Most of them have come with dolls I purchased online, but it time to get rid of them. I will save cheap canada goose uk a couple to use when I send dolls to the Butterfly Ministry for Girls, but the rest can be recycled.

And finally, I took some time to do some good spiritual work, reading inspiring things and praying. Having a week off gave me the mental space to do this, and I realized I need to much more of this, even as I canada goose outlet shop go back to work this week.

The papers all over my living room aren organized to get taxes done yet, but getting there. Getting Christmas ornaments and the books organized has freed up a lot of space on the floor of my living room, and that was a necessary first step. So I take cheap canada goose pleasure in that.

This morning, I will be at the Flemington library from 10 to 11:30. I am as bringing Karen Van Ravenswaay, the leader of the Library Loopers in Bound Brook, with me. Karen is retired and doesn drive, but she wants to get out more and offered to come along to any of my library appearances. She also an expert crocheter, and I love having someone with me who can help the crocheters, because I really can So she started coming with me to library Canada Goose Parka sessions this month. She came to Bridgewater, and that went extremely well, and then last Monday, we went to Warren, which went well, too.

The Flemington/Hunterdon County library is at 314 Route 12 in Raritan Township, canada goose outlet nyc in the County headquarters complex.

I am also going to be at canada goose the North Brunswick Library, 880 Hermann Ave. tonight from 7 canada goose clearance sale to 8:30. Karen will not be coming with me because she has a Library Loopers meeting at the Bound Brook Library tonight. I am going to miss her because she been so great about helping the crocheters who come to our sessions. canada goose outlet store uk But I know we have a great time in North Brunswick. We always do.

I have a guest book review of a crochet book to share with you, and I have lots more books to review. I had thought I be doing a lot of book reviews during my vacation, but I decided a vacation is a vacation, so I took a week off from blogging. Now I am coming back to it refreshed, and I hope you find a new energy in my posts. Pam learned to knit at age 6, when her friend’s mother made Pam’s doll a dress, and Pam wanted to make more. Her mother wanted her to learn how to sew in high school, but she was afraid of the sewing machines, cutting fabric the wrong way, and the potential that sewing would have for bringing down her grade point average. Every year, she managed to find a course conflict to avoid sewing classes. But the day after high school graduation, she took her graduation money to a fabric store, bought a kit to make a sweater, taught herself to read patterns and never looked back. These days, she knits a prayer shawl every month, along with sweaters, tote bags, gift bags and other goodies. She also designs many of her projects. Read More About Pam.